"Life is like a trendanalogy, everything around you, transforms itself into fabulous art pieces.
It only depends on the way you interpret them" Anna Amorim

terça-feira, 15 de março de 2011

new nail polishes / novos vernizes!

Finalmente encontrei o cinza que procurava...na H&M. e aquele rosa pastel suave naquele tom perfeito (tom Astral da Risqué), que por acaso levanta-me imenso o astral :D

Há uns meses usei imenso este tom de cinza que achei o máximo assim que começou a última season, e fiquei addicted, no Arábia da Risqué, que entretanto desapareceu aos poucos do mercado, tendo sido infelizmente um edição limitada.

Agora redescobri o quase (senão mesmo) tom de cinza na H&M sob o nome de cor "Miss Stone Heart" (gostei!), e estou a adorar .

O que acharam? :)

Finally I found the grey tone i was looking for...in H&M and that pastel soft pink in the perfecto tone (called Astral form Risqué), which by the way gives me a great astral!:D

A few months ago, i used a lot this color in pastel grey, which i found pretty awesome as soon as it began the last season ( Arábic form Risqué). However, it disappeared from the market, it was been unfortunately a limited edition:(

Now i refound the almost ( or the same) grey tone in H&M under the name "Miss Stone Heart" ( liked the name!), e i'm lovin'it.

What do you think?:)

Good night for everyone!*


2 comentários:

  1. I love your blog. My name's Anna, I'm a stylist and visual merchandiser in LA. I'm 23 years old and moved to California after graduating back in south with a degree in visual merchandiser. I'd love if you visited my new blog for multiple posts a day on all things fashion. Check out what Brad, Rachel Zoe's former associate shared with me and find out my latest trend report. I'd love the support. I'm following you, I hope you'll do the same. Thanks so much.


    And don't forget to follow us on Twitter for all the latest celebrity fashion news, from an LA stylist.


  2. Hello Anna!! Great to know there's another Anna in the other side of the world with so great taste!:)
    My blog only has a few days, it's under construction, i have a looooot of work to do yet*

    I'm already following you*

    Keep in touch!



comentários/comments trendy*
Obrigada!/Thank you!